Sunday, May 31, 2015

Traverse City, MI

Traverse City is a hip trendy popping town.  People of all ages live and visit this “happening” town.  There are activities year round you can do in the Traverse area.  There are activities that range from simple and relaxing to more extravagant and exciting activities.  Traverse City has many different festivals throughout the year.  The biggest festival would be The National Cherry Festival.

The National Cherry Festival starts the first weekend of July and lasts one week.  This year will be July 4th - July 11th.  When I was younger I attend the festival often.  As a young child one of the coolest things about the festival was the show the Air Force Thunderbirds preform.  You can sit on the patio of The Park Place Hotel, have some lunch and drinks and be able to watch these amazing acrobatic tricks preformed overhead by fighter jets.  They have many more activities such as very cherry pancake breakfast, beach volleyball tournament, beer tent, cherry pit spitting contest, cherry pie bike ride, arts and crafts show, family sand sculpture contest, pet show, Indian pow wow, beach party, and a 5k race/walk.  But the Cherry Festival Royale Parade is one of the best parades you will ever attend.  

They also have bands preform throughout the week at outdoor theaters.  This year they are having a wide variety of concerts that included:  “Weird Al” Yankovic, Toad the Wet Spricket and Tonic, U.S. Army Band & Soldier’s Chorus, Kingsley Jazz Band, and Joan Jett & The Blackhearts concert.

Traverse City has many different kinds of destinations.  Shopping can vary from small downtown shops to traditional large company stores found at any mall. The Cherry Land Mall is out of the downtown city area.  Also out of the downtown area is The Great Wolf Lodge, which is a very large and unique indoor waterpark.  This water park is fun but is aimed more towards younger kid, not teenagers.  As you come into the downtown area you will find there are many different trendy restaurants, pubs, and bars as well as little boutiques, and specialty shops. 

Walking in downtown Traverses City is one of my favorite things to do.  You can find the latest style of clothes in the quaint little shops.  There are awesome souvenirs shores up and down the street filled with great gifts for all your family and friends back home.  Also downtown there are many coffee, pie, and candy shops.  You will get your sweet tooth fix no problem. 

Traverses City is known as wine country. Its home to over a dozen wine companies.  Wine tours are a popular tourist activity.   

1 comment:

  1. I am surprised that I have never been to the Cherry Festival. Growing up my mom took us to a ton of different fairs and festivals. I have been to the Potato and blueberry festivals but never the Cherry.. maybe thats one my sister and I will have to try soon.
